Monday, January 19, 2009

King of the mountain

The Minnesota team- at least a good portion of them arrived finally just after 6 pm. After some searching for the perfect beds, miandering about, some introductions etc we finally got to eat...yeah! I was getting really hungry.
While they are settling in, I'm outside to add some notes. A lot of people here tonight after my 10 days of evening solitude; I will have to get used to conversation again. Patrick said at dinner, he brought me some glue....there was a big pause when he said for bug. I started laughing - he meant for the cockroach...maybe you had to be there.
Patrick is Haitian and was adopted by Deb and Al Ingersoll a few years ago. He is a junior in high school and I believe will help out with translation in the clinic. Even though we just met for the first time, I feel like I've known him for awhile.

Anyway, the team is enjoying the weather as it was 20 degrees when they left Minn. - up 40 degrees from a couple days how can they not be enjoying this.
They have a blog site as well- so for a different perspective you might want to check it out....

Oh the title- I'm not king of my little mountain tonight... =)

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