Monday, January 26, 2009

bon baygay!

Well I am sitting out here in the dark again, the steps haven't gotten any softer. But I couldn't get connection at 'home'. The Minnesota gang is packing up- they have given me some gifts- Ibuprophen, tuna and a very cool Barbie pink tool kit...I can do anything now- except fix the plumping for hot water to my room.
I went up to see Madam Cheap- I really need to learn her real name. A lovely tiny sprite who came running up and hugging me and said I'm so happy to see you again and how is your family? She gave me a beaded bracelet right away and said it is a gift for my friend.. She has my heart!!!

We went to the art co-op over by the old (original) clinic/ guesthouse but it had closed - we then headed for Peytionville over a route I hadn't been on before- of course traffic at 5 pm is horrendous despite continuing gasoline problems. I always like going in new directions - which is totally the opposite of my life at home..same trip to the store, same trip to gas station, same trip to work...I seldom go a new / different direction any place...
Anyway, as we were driving to another gift shop, I was looking at the houses stacked upon each other on the hillside. Literally stacked upon stacks of cement up the sides of these hills. It made me think of Mrs. Alcindors' comment that someday they will all come tumbling down. I think it could happen.
We ended up on the street so Eric could buy some different items to take back to Toronto to sell- I didn't mention that the Minnesota team was actually international with 2 members from Canada.
It is such a kick to be on the street with these guys all wanting to sell you 'there' paintings and they have a best buy! They have many different items to sell. I did buy 2 paintings for $6.50 each. Bon Bayguy. I have to make Kay Shaun kay Gail so this is a start. Sorry Shaun; I will keep the Rooster for sure.. Following that stop, we went to another gift shop and I've been there before- but it was more hi end art almost like a museum. Now it has aa nice little gift shop with a more expensive art shop upstairs and a restaurant. By this time, I was so grangou (pardon my spelling) I told JOel I could eat the paper mache more stops, we are going home. I said it in creole - at least enough he got my point and said he was very hungry too.
Kevin (water truck guy) and another partner were there visiting. I've got more connections for more adventure. Robert Duval is the partners name...really and he has a food program for kids in a stadium before school and after they come to eat. They they play football (soccer). I might have my team to set up a clinic to see the kids. I'm not sure yet as it may be too overwhelming...
I was told I could hike over the mountain. I could stay at a lodge in Furcy.
Kevin said he would think of more things. Meantime, I do have to work. The next team will be here Saturday. There is also a wedding reception apparently being planned - I don't know any details to it. Celine has invited me to a Jazz Festival this weekend.
Gas delivery is being delayed a week so not sure how that will affect the team. apparently the black market is doing ok so far...they can still get it if you can pay for it...

Something is biting me, and battery is nearly time to go in.
Maybe I can talk some one into leaving their bug spray- bon baygay! Means good thing!

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