Saturday, April 24, 2010

jSewing up heads....

You’ve probably heard me say Haitians are tough and resilient. or read it somewhere. It’s true. Update to last weekend injured worker...After being loaded into the van, he was taken to the Medishare tent where one of the docs was able to talk their way in to get him to be seen and possible xrays. Since the xray machine was not working, they just watched him for several hours and determined he probably had 3 broken ribs and possibly fx. scapula. He came back by the worksite the next day and wanted to do something. All the guys are now supposed to be equiped with hats, solid good fitting shoes and safety equipment including ropes.

Today one of the guys doing some cement work for us hit his head on a useless piece of reebar. I cleaned his wound, numbed it and sutured it...since it was on his head, butterfly tapes sutures weren’t going to work. I put in 3 stitches in the worst part and said a little prayer that they will stay in. Thanks to Dr. Corey B. it appeared as if I knew what I was doing. I’m sure I didn’t have kosher knots but it stopped bleeding and he said thank you. We gave him a beer and after a couple of photos, off he went.

I hope that is about as exciting as it gets this next 2 weeks. Antonio left on vacation this morning for 2 weeks.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hope for Haiti

So today started out like electricity. We didn't have diesel for generator. The inverter that we fixed last night was out of battery power. Noel came with big barrel of diesel in the van and he had hit a bump- no surprise- and it broke his side window out. An electrician came who works for the power company and is a friend of the son of a senator. He knew what he was doing and replaced the inverter and I think replaced the transformer and rewired to protect the inverter and batteries.
We had to call a plumber as we discovered multiple broken pipes so we sent the guys out to buy heavier pipes. We ran out of water in the big cistern! No city water to refill our we had to buy a truck of water (per Hector who paid double what I paid on several different occasions- I think they must be friends)

So at the end of the day we have water, power, toilets. The kitchen got cleaned out, the boys started painting it. Steps in back are being repaired, cracks filled...the guest house staff are excited to have "a new belle" kitchen.

Catherine is a reporter from Toronto that is staying here this week. She has been visiting areas all over the city and outside. She was here after the earthquake for a couple of weeks and wanted to follow up with on some of her stories. She has been to Sean Penn's tent city which is just 5 minutes from us and at the Petionville golf course. She has followed some of the families that are being moved to a community outside of the city. She had written a story about a little girl apparently orphaned in the earthquake but subsequently found her mom and little brother. Catherine found out her birthday is the 27th and has bought her gifts and given her mom money. The mom had been saving money for the little girl to go to school but the money was lost when the house collapsed. The little girls best friend who would come home from school and teach her what she had learned that day was killed next to her in their home. They now live in a small tin shack with nothing. But the mom will give her daughter a birthday gift and send her to school for awhile.
She was to have an interview with a Haitian midwife who said you can't interview me because I can't do anything. I lost my husband and my son in the earthquake and I can't move on. I can't work because I can't stop thinking about them.
Its hard to find hope when you hear the sadness and grief consuming someone trained to bring life into this world. Yet it is there.
Noel found a home for his family to rent. He shared this with me tonight. Noels daughter was trapped for 3 days in the rubble that was the Twins Market near their home. I've been there many times. When the earthquake happened, he ran to the market knowing she was there and called out to her until she responded. He stayed for 3 days and nights talking with her until people came to help him get her out. She was unhurt. Noels house collapsed and his neighbors killed. He is now taking care of 6 kids that lost their families. They shared a couple of tents that I gave to him. He is happy that he can take them off of the street and have a home for them. He smiled and said he can have hope now.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A day in the life...

Sunday morning: The day started with the soft murmur of voices coming from the kitchen, occasional clatter of dishes and the realization that the rooster is not crowing and the dogs are not barking...Two nights in a row without these usual constant sounds- Its not that I just don't 'hear' them anymore, everyone has commented that they expected to hear the roosters all night.

After breakfast, I walked around and took a few pictures of the work being done. Lorne has team members helping him paint in the back. The consensus is that it will look great. Yellow and terra cotta. The cement guy is clearing the rubble and cement from a 'roof' area where a couple of pvc pipes are broken. They will replaced in the morning.

Jorel took three therapists went to the Medishare Miami tent and then picked up Mike from the small airport. He is a PT that has been in Cap Haitian with a team from Toronto University spinal cord center to work with the Haiti Hospital Appeal staff.

About 9:30 I started receiving phone calls from driver coming to pick up the therapists going to Jacmel. He couldn't find our driveway. He said he was at 370...I walked up to the road and called him, then waited for several minutes until he found me.

Team members are engaged in activities of some sort in and outside. My thought, somewhat prematurely in hindsight, was that it should be a relaxing day.

9:40. John Earl went to church.
10:00 Jorel returned to take Carmel shopping.
11:30 Jean said to me Madame Gail Big problem can you come please...3 steps out the door and I see a bunch of guys carrying someone down the road, blood covering his face. I raced back into the house to grab first aid kits, and ask for the team Minnesota docs to come. The guy had fallen from one of the buildings- cuts and abrasions and blood, painful, decreased breath sounds...collapsed lung? fractured ribs? He could move all extremities. We now had 4 MD's looking at him since Dr Nau's timely arrival. The other workers were pretty shaken up, standing back quietly but very concerned. It was decided to keep him lying on the door (our emergency stretcher that was conveniently lying right in the driveway), load him into the van and take him to the Miami tent. Several people jumped into the van to assist as well as Rick who needed to be at the airport to catch a 2 pm flight to Peurto Rica for a work project.

By now at 12:30, I realized Jorel hadn't gone back to church to pick up John Earl at noon. I called to Noel and we raced up to Petionville to get him. He was waiting patiently for us to come.
We get him back in time to go with Dr. Nau and the other docs on an outing. The St. Bonaface ambulance had come to pick up Mike and after a quick goodbye, he was on his way.
It was then that I realized I'd missed 13 phone calls and Sue's phone was ringing and then Noel is calling me. It turns out Rick had walked to Miami tent to use Jaime's phone to call me because he had taken Kevins' passport instead of his (and could only get through to security check points) with it.
Jorel and I had to get to airport so he could catch his flight. Once Jorel realized what was going on, we took off. It was Sunday and we can make it to the airport in 8 minutes. I've done it now twice. However, Rick wasn't there....he was still at the Miami tent and his 'ride' back to the airport had left him. So we raced to the tent, picked him up, traded passports, and took him back to the big airport. I guess he made his flight as he has yet to call me to return to pick him up. After getting Rick off, we went back to the Miami tent to pick up the team members and find out what was going on with our injured worker. Possibly/ probably several rib fractures and mild shock along with the cuts and abrasions that really weren't too serious once cleaned up. A very fortunate young man.
As soon as we returned, the last group loaded up supplies and were taken to the small airport to fly out to Les Cayes for a week of prosthetic work.
Now at 4:30, I'm able to sit here and type this up and appreciate having the docs here to assess the fall victim. We had determined he had fallen from near the top of the clinic where they were working to about 20 feet below. He was quite fortunate.
I am able to appreciate our drivers who patiently work just as hard everyday to get our team members from one place to another with calmness, efficiently, safely even with wild rides in emergency situations.

Time for dinner.....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

In line skaters...

Another trip to the airport today to get the second wave of Team Minnesota... I love going to the airport, testing my limits. There is 2 sections before you go inside of the terminal. The red caps are allowed into the first section for the most part. Many people stand outside of the fences. Then there is the canopied area where some people are allowed to wait and where people leaving the terminal gather before heading into the chaos.
Some days the police and airport officials are tougher than usual making everyone wait outside the fence. Then its good I have a friend named Jackson. Once he sees me, he tells the officials I'm the big boss and they let me in. Jackson has just one arm and has been working at the airport as long as I've been coming. He told me he has 5 children and they are all fine. He lost a cousin and his sister but he said many people lost more. He lost his house and does not have a tent. He wouldn't elaborate on where he lived, just quietly said its hard and he has good kids. I promised him a tent when I get some.
If I happen to talk with another red cap, they will assume I am 'hiring' them and boy if they encroach on Jacksons territory trying to get a cartful of luggage from my team without Jacksons ok....there is loud verbal exchanges. Team members are usually a bit deer in the headlight but I know Jackson will win out so just try to keep anyone extras from getting involved. Its kind of fun...
I also try to make friends with one of the policeman or officials as I wait, if I look a little concerned they will make sure I get inside to make sure team members have arrived. Its an amusing past time while sitting and waiting for a team.
However, I do owe 3 people tents now too.

Coming home from the airport today we were following a truck with 2 boys hanging on the back, hitching a ride. They were on inline skates and flying down the road, watching closely for potholes and rubble which they had to jump over. They wore knee pads and elbow pads. First time I've seen that....impressive and nerve wracking at the same time.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Catching up is hard to do....

Written over several days...

The Boston team left today-(actually last saturday) at about 9 am...unfortunately for them they sat most of the day in the airport I heard from them about 3pm that they were still waiting for flight out. For some reason there was a delay in getting the flight out . since the earthquake the airport is different- they don’t have the little shops to visit or a place to to get something to drink. They must have been quite uncomfortable waiting the entire day for their flight and I’m sorry for them.

Most of the team worked in other parts of the country this week. Some went to work and offer teaching to the staff at St. Bonaface in Fond des Blanc, and the same in Cap Haitian at Haiti Hospital Appeals. Two therapists went to Hopital Albert Shweitzer. Another group worked at the Sacre Coeur Hospital in Milot, a town at the base of the Citadel.

The Citadel is a very large fortress at the top of a mountain. Large doesn’t do the description well. Its a good hike or horseback ride up the trail. Team Portland visited several years ago. If I remember correctly there is something like 2000 canon balls strategically placed around the fort and rows of canons. It was build about 200 years ago by about 20,000 men and about 2,000 died during the construction of it. It was built to protect the country from an invasion by Napoleon and I don’t believe he ever made the attempt. The fort was never used. It has beautiful views all around. And a most impressive ‘outhouse’ that sits over the edge of the cliff side.

It should be listed as one of the wonders of the world.

Antonio and I have been looking at sites for a temporary clinic until our own clinic can be rebuilt. I think we found one this past week. Its large enough to have our therapy gym, pharmacy and depot and a place for exams or speech therapy. A little repair work and we can even have a space for a class room and reception area. The best part is that it is handicapped accessible from the street all the way in. The first place of 5 that we have looked at. I hope we can be successful in negotiating an affordable lease and get moved in before the rainy season begins. Our current tent clinic is not suitable for therapy thought the therapists are doing the best they can to make it work.

Demolition also started this week on the apartment building that collapsed. Another impressive job- a half a dozen men with sledge hammers, a jack hammer and a chainsaw like thing that cuts the rebar and pure man power have broken up and cleared the top floor and maybe the next level as well. Some of the debris has gone into the pool- we were hoping to cover it with something to protect it. The debris is also filling up the patio area between my apartment the the guesthouse. Syltane and I may have to move into the big house next week. The gate at the entrance where the trucks will enter the property will have to be opened up to provide access to remove all of the debris. Our path will be blocked for a week or two. It has made Syltane too nervous to sleep there anyway.

My weekend get-away started this afternoon at the Villa Creole. While I might prefer to go to the beach, I have a meeting to attend Sunday so it seemed prudent to stay in town. I haven’t had a day off really since arriving in January and its time. The Villa Creole is just up the hill from our guesthouse but it is quiet and without people asking me a hundred questions. They have a pool and air conditioning and hot water- I had my first hot shower. Mezami, it was nice. They didn’t tell me they weren’t serving lunch / dinner due to earthquake damage to the kitchen so I had to order a pizza from Dominos. It was hot and tasty!

Monday morning- The day started early and with the thought that it is the 3 month anniversary of the earthquake. I sit on this little balcony outside my room. In a glance I see green- trees of all kinds, large bushes with flowers in bloom. I hear sounds of repair work being done in the hotel and if I really look around past the trees, I see crumbled roofs, blue tarps and white tents. It rained again last it has every night the past few days. Those with tarps and tents are now the lucky ones. Some people have sheets or table cloths draped over sticks. Some of my friends that have tents tell me they try to sleep standing when it rains. Those with sheets must flee to find cover. I sit here in comfort but with tears in my eyes, pain in my heart for the moms with babies and children to protect. Those with broken or missing arms or legs must wonder how they will survive this too.

Haiti will probably be spoken of in papers across the country- earthquake ravaged Haiti, the poorest in the western hemisphere...what will they report? That it continues to be buried in rubble? That nothing has changed? Will the reporters talk only of poverty or will they tell the story of hope and strength that I see in people I work with everyday? They walk in the grace of God. They share their simple joy of life with me. Under it all, what do they feel? When I drive out in the city, I see the women on the street selling their fruit and vegetables of all colors and shapes- some I can’t identify. They stack the tomatoes or the grapefruit in neat little piles. The limes fill a little basket. They sit under umbrellas to shield from the heat of the sun hoping to sell enough to buy food for their family’s dinner. Maybe save a bit to send one of the children to school. The walls on some streets are lined with large colorful paintings, brightly colored metal art in the shape of butterflies, dragonflies or geckos. Its a reminder not all is rubble. Se viv- that's life.

We received a phone call of a pending visit at the HHH/ HI prosthetic lab of "someone" important. Antonio said 'something is brewing, lets go. I grabbed some of our shirts and we raced as fast as we could considering all of the traffic. I passed out the shirts to our staff and we waited. A lot of the Handicap International people were there and the government representatives for the secratary of state and the disability people. Finally, a dozen police excorts and another car arrived. It was the woman that is under Ban Ki Moon coming to visit. We were introduced to her and she made her rounds of the lab, asked some questions and left. Seemed to me more like a dog and pony show but if it brings some publicity to the needs that the disabled in Haiti face, then its a good thing.


As I haven't had internet connection during the time that I have been able to post - usually late at night after I've done my other work of responding to email or sending them I haven't had an opportunity to post these thoughts and stories.

Its good to have a blackberry phone that I can stay in touch by email. Its just a little harder and a little more inconvenient but I am fortunate to have that option. Our roof leaks so that will have to be taken care of...certainly, not as bad as it must be in the tents.

This morning I flew down to Jacmel on a small 6 seater commuter plane. I met up with Dr. Tiffany Keenan who is an awesome person to work with. She seems to get things organized in a major way. She and I were on the Portland - Canada team back in 2006 during the election of Preval. Since then she has started a clinic in the north of the country that is now run by Haitian staff. She went to Jacmel last year and started putting together a network of the medical community in the area. Getting people to work together is a tremendous asset to the community. I met a group of people that provide maternity care for the woman of the area. They see about 40 patients a day with about 25 of them being new patients each week.

Anyway, I was there for an hour and then we flew back to Port au Prince.

I went to the disability meeting that I attend every week...this is an opportunity to meet and network with some of the ngo's and organizations working in Haiti currently. There is something like 900 groups in the country. Hard to fathom that number.

Its usually better after the actually meeting when I get a chance to actually talk one to one with people working here.

Yesterday the tanker bringing gas did not arrive. People were lined up at the gas stations all over town only to be told they didn't have gas. Its also difficult to find diesel. Today it was reported that there were protests in Cap Haitian with people throwing bottles and rocks. In Port au Prince, the traffic was relatively light by comparison since many people didn't have gas.

I hope the tankers bringing gas comes soon.

During the day as I'm riding in the van, I often think of things I want to mention- often by the end of the day I don't remember them. Guess I should learn to make notes to myself. They are just observations of driving to the airport, Jorel takes the shortcuts to avoid sitting in traffic - which he hates to do - and its often like 4 wheel driving and doesn't seem like much of a shortcut when we zigzag back and forth. One road was filled with a half dozen small lakes. The water was up to the bottom of the van easily. I was very happy not to get stalled in the middle as I didn't relish getting out to walk through the stinky muddy water. After the rain tonight, it could easily become one large lake instead of 6 small ones. Wonder if we will drive through it again tomorrow when I go to pick up the first half of the Minnesota team.

Tuesday, I picked up 7 people from Canada. The policeman decided we- the people waiting for the passengers - couldn't go inside the fenced area but Jackson, my one armed friend told him I was his big boss and I needed to be let in. and I got in to the canopy area. Next I had to promise a tent to another airport security and got into the airport itself to find my team. I guess Jackson is really the big boss although there is another guy there called 'Big' (for that reason) and he also makes sure I get in as well. Some days I can walk in without being stopped, other days its nice to have friends like Jackson.

I think tomorrow I will be visiting Sean Penn's camp of 50,000 people. Its a small city of its own with clinics, restaurants, a 'cinema', and little business' like barbers and schools. Some people are offered transport to a new area being set up that is supposedly better situation and away from the city. While some people are moving out, some people are afraid because they won't be able to find work. Jorel, one of our drivers, is living with his family in a tent in the soccer stadium. I have heard they are evicting people from the stadium. I will try to find out more tomorrow about that and where he will go.

I continue to enjoy the challenges I'm presented with daily. Certainly, its not on the level of trying to survive with nothing. Again, I am thankful for all I have. And especially for the support I receive from family and friends!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hope for Haiti

I’m being treated to a pedicure today. Myrline wanted to do it for Easter but I was busy the day before so today she got me to sit long enough to give me a little spa treatment!

My feet will be much prettier for it! She is in her element. Myrline is the youngest of the guest house staff at 23. She is tall and lean, very pretty. Graceful like a colt.

Syltane is my room mate. She has been working for HHH since we moved to this guest house. We consider her a bit like Cinderella. Since she is the only staff member to live on the property, she is the first one up to make coffee and start breakfast, and she is the one to do the after dinner dishes. She is 30 years old and until earthquake was going to school. She wants to be a nurse. She is very nervous since the earthquake having seen the apartment collapse in front of her eyes, knowing the two people that died inside and the helpless feeling you can never imagine to do anything to save them. She is a bit shy, quiet - she is sometimes my mother, my sister, my daughter- but mostly my friend. We tease and laugh at silly things. She will sleep inside because I am brave enough to sleep inside.

Today the demo team arrived to begin the first stage of the process of clearing. They are breaking up cement and trying to recover some things in the rubble that may be recycled (rebar), reused (electric boxes) or recovered. There are about 8 guys and they are making progress already. I will have to borrow Antonio’s hard hat I think. Not a bad idea considering the bread fruit is dropping like bombs from the trees as well. They make a decent splat when very ripe! Its a good time to avoid the pool area...and they have promised to save the pool One day it will provide respite and team fun again.

I looked at some property today-potentially for a temporary clinic. I’m quite excited about it -Antonio said he might pour cold water over my head because I was so excited. It is large enough, handicapped accessible, on one of the main roads and really has everything we need to have to run as an outpatient clinic. Did I say I was excited. The owner is giving us first option and is very reasonable in his rent. Considering the last 4 places I looked at this is exceptional value! I wish Jeff and the powers that be were here today.

Lorne took off for his home on his motorcycle license. very scary I certainly trust my driving skills much more than his and would probably have a much greater chance of surviving the drive above Peytionville than he has tonight.

Judy has been working at Heartline Ministries filling in for the therapist that had to return to the states due to his son having an accident. Pre earthquake they were an orphanage (with adoptable children ) and womens center. They also provide women with sewing machines and fabric which they make into purses. My friend Pat and I had a ‘purse ‘ party and sold nearly 40 purses for $1000 for them. (Small world).

Now they have turned into a semi hospital with some ortho patients and amputees.

Judy is busy from 8- 4:30 everyday providing therapy with minimal equipment and being very OT inventive.

Schools have begun again in some parts of the city. Good news for the children. We drove by some of the former school sites that are beginning to take shape in terms of being cleared and walls being built. It is enough to give us hope.

and my feet look great after the pedicure!