Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My daughters birthday....

Today is a pretty special little girl turns 24. This is only the second time in her life that I have missed her birthday. She has already had so much more life experiences than I had at her age. I find her to be amazing and beautiful, a kind, thoughtful and caring person that I'm so proud of. Erin has travelled to Paris, Rome and Tunisia as an au pair. She took a train to New York alone and explored the city and stopped in Chicago and explored. She can drive all over Portland and find her way...I've lived there for 26 years and can't do that. One time she got lost going to Estacada and ended up in Sandy...a little upset but called her Uncle Gary to the rescue.
She is dealing with Crohns disease and the misery of that bravely. She works in the public school system with a special needs girl and told me it was the best job she's ever had. She has learned bravely to deal with many scary health issues of the child. She has worked as a waitress and was a receptionist at a law office. She is a wonderful photographer (she's done wedding photos for friends but its not her favorite) ... She has been a babysitter and a house sitter...had car accidents, and surgery, she is a good cook and a good friend. Easy to talk to and funny...she is beautiful...did I say that already? I'm very proud of the the lovely young woman she has become and I love and miss her everyday that I am here. So this story has nothing to do with Haiti but everything to do with Haiti.
Happy Birthday my darling girl!

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