Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Does God give do overs?

My friend asked that question...I don't know why she asked it but it has been on my mind since.
Of course in relation to Haiti as that is all I know lately.
My first thought is no, he/ she apparently does not give do overs. Haiti somehow seems forgotten in the scheme of things. But then I visit a home for handicapped children called Mefibochet. This beautiful home was founded by Madam Lionette Pierre with the help of Open Door (a church) in Minnesota. These children came from around the country not just Port au Prince and this is Gods do over. They came from hopeless and in many cases loveless situations. Some have family members that care enough to try to give them a better life. This is a beautiful home filled with love from the Pierres. In all cases, a do over for the children to receive the loving care of a family. There are more than the 17 handicapped children living here but to see these children happy and thriving after hearing their stories is one of the most successful do over stories I've experienced here. Kensy asked to have his name changed from Pou ki sa which means 'why', he lived on a dirt floor with his grandmother and people coming and going walked over him. He said if he could come live with Mme Pierre, he would only eat every 3 days so if would not cost too much to care for him. He appears to be hydrocephalic, has never been to school but is very smart, sings and would like to be a music teacher. He does not walk and is about 15 years old.
Ywenson is 8 yrs old and his legs are disabled. Ywenson has learned to walk on his hands, in fact plays soccer and keeping the ball away from opponents. He would like to have his useless and bent legs cut off but is fearful that having prosthetics will slow him down.
So Elena we just have to recognize the do overs....These 2 boys and the others have a bit of a chance now.


Unknown said...

I believe God does give makeovers...and your thoughts are so on. I really enjoy reading your thoughts,experiences..much read light poetry or novel.

Unknown said...

Gail,you can make me feel better even from thousands of miles away.It is never to late to show each other love and caring,is it?