Saturday, May 15, 2010

The walls came tumbling down...

Quiet day today...expecting some guests this afternoon from Germany but this morning I was able to sleep in until 7 am. A bit of a treat after a week of 5 :15 mornings. Myrline gave me a pedicure this morning with her new pedi kit I gave to her. My feet are tre belle!

Lorne has had the little boys working on the lower property everyday cleaning up garbage. Afterwards he feeds them lunch - speghetti or sandwiches and juice and afterwards they have a game of soccer. Some of them are amazingly good. Antonio went down and gave them a speech of how proud he was that they were working so hard to help us and that they were demonstrating to us that they would be successful in whatever they did as they grew up. They stood and clapped; you could see the pride they were taking in the work they did.

Yesterday morning the final walls of the clinic and administration building came down with a swoosh and a heck of a lot of dust! The 5 buildings on our property destroyed or damaged by the earthquake are just a small mountain of rubble. On Monday the trucks will start hauling it all away- where they take it, I have no idea- we suggested that they take it all to the port and enlarge the island. Once the rubble is cleared, they will have to level, sand bag to protect agains erosion and start building the perimeter wall.

We went down to the new clinic facility to see if any progress has been made on repairs...but nothing had been started. We are hoping in a week we can begin moving some things down there. Another hurry up and wait project. I want to get moved in by June 1st but may have to cool my heels.

As we drive around the city we still see a lot of rubble piling up in the streets- the government has told the people as they clear their property to put it in the street for trucks to pick up. It causes a lot of traffic back up on some streets as they are narrowed to one lane. Some of the rubble could be broken and used as fill for all the potholes on all of the shortcuts our drivers use.

Last night Celine picked Jeff and I up for dinner- She took us to Madoons- a Lebanese restaraunt in Petionville. we had grapeleaf wraps, smoked salmon, humus, eggplant, calamari, taboulah- soo very good. Who knew. Last year sushi, this year Lebanese.

I forgot my beautiful daughter's birthday on Thursday. Jeff and I were up at 5 to catch a flight to Cap Haitian to do some site visits. My excuse is that I measure my days by events vs. dates. Still its a poor excuse. I think of her, of all of my kids daily- I count my blessings that I have them in my life. How fortunate I am that they are good people. She turned 25. Hard to believe that this time has passed so quickly. Erin, I wish you the good fortune to be blessed with good friends to enrich your life. It won't always be filled with happiness- but I wish you strength to over come the times of sadness. It won't always be filled with love unless you open your heart to receiving what comes into your path. Keep your eyes and mind open to seeing the world as it is and be willing to change what you can. Its the way to make a difference in someones life. That can be a powerful motive and enrich your life in ways you can't always imagine. Baby Erin, I love you.
I'm sorry I forgot your birthday but I love you more everyday!

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