Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rose colored glasses....

This week in Haiti....
It rained last night....long and steady, very cooling after a very hot day but the relief is short lived when you think about the people in the tents. I wish that the people in the government had to live in tents- maybe then when they call a senate meeting more than 3 would show up to do their work. Maybe then more rubble would be cleared so the people can start to rebuild their homes. Maybe then there could be hope for a city that seems virtually impossible to see a future for their children. Its no wonder people are having manifestations...why frustration is growing.
This is a presidential election year. Will it happen? There seems to be little sign of it.

We did have a little fun this week...we had the Kay Kapab World Cup soccer game. All week Lorne had the boys playing soccer at 4 pm with the finale on Friday. The neighborhood boys played with much enthusiasum after each goal was scored. It was tied at 3 at the end and it was only after 15 shoot offs that a winner was declared. The boys jumped and flipped and shouted. They are a ragged bunch- some had shoes (most even matched), some had sandals, some barefoot- all of them wore smiles! Too bad we didn't have a big trophy for them.
A German team is here this week. Their project coordinator spent 4 days trying to get their container of supplies off the dock- a process that can take weeks if not months. She managed to get it delivered Thursday night (really a miracle). Meanwhile, half of the team are construction guys so they hung about here- they built a work table in the garage and when we get a gate we can have a place to store tools. One of them built drawers for a dresser so Myrline can have a place to put her clothes. And they built some goal posts for the soccer team out of wood scraps. And yesterday they build a sort of prefab clinic in one day. The German Institute for Disaster medicine clinic. Its quite beautiful and 8 guys including Lorne and 3 of the boys helped. They had such pride in themselves at the end of an exhaustingly hot day to see what they build and to be part of the team. Its not large but certainly large enough for a family to enjoy security of a floor, walls and ceiling that doesn't leak. Eight guys, 1 day, 1 house. sixteen guys, 1 week= 14 houses.... Just imagine what some organization with a bit of expertise in building could provide....but it will make you crazy if you wonder why it is so difficult to make happen.

We had a beautiful rock wall built to protect the water pipes next to the driveway. Yesterday, the cement guys covered it in cement. I nearly cried when I saw it. I don't know why they did more cement wall to look at. Another example of why people don't see the beauty in this country. It has difficulty shining through the cement!

Maybe I just need rose colored glasses this morning.

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