Sunday, January 11, 2015

Haiti- Rising Above the Rubble- 5 Years Later

Today, like most other Sundays I have off is spent like many Sundays people spend here in Haiti or anywhere really. Watching the whatever big game is on TV, relaxing, washing the car, going to the barber, relaxing....But as if I could forget, google news is reminding me that 5 years ago, life changed for many people. Five years ago today, Haiti had a relatively peaceful, stable and relatively functioning government. But on January 12, 2010 everything changed. The earth rumbled, the earth trembled and the walls fell. The houses fell. The businesses fell and the government fell.
Amongst the rubble, good intentions rose and 'Build Back Better' became the chant that would solve all the problems over the next 5 years. Promotion of jobs for everyone. Promotion of tourism. Improved security with the Politour - a new security police trained to provide security for those tourists that would come pouring in to visit the new and improved version of Haiti. Unfortunately, the good intentions have seemingly faded under the sun.
Anti-Martelly protests have filled the streets regularly these past months. The Prime Minister was asked to resign as part of a deal to soothe someones ruffled feathers in December.  International Governments are calling for accountability.
Tomorrow marks 5 years since the earthquake but because elections haven't been held at anytime during the past 4 years, it will also mark the end of a Democratic government- amidst cries of corruption, Martelly will become the president turned dictator until elections are actually held.
The presidential elections are due to be held in November, but elections for Senators, Deputies, Mayors whose terms have expired over the years are supposed to be held in April. or May. or who knows.
As reporters descend upon the country to cover the anniversary, they also have fodder to make negative  headlines because its what sells.  'Where's the transparency?", Tens of Thousands Still Living in Tents, Cholera Epidemic Haunts Haiti,  'Effects of Quake still felt by Canadians'.
In short, the world wanted a slight miracle to happen apparently- That Haiti- the same one without much of  an infrastructure and not much history for transparency, the same one with  poor medical facilities and even worse police department was to turn itself upside down and inside out to be whatever foreign governments wanted it to be.
And yet despite it all, progress has been made. Progress is happening. Despite the governments lack of functionality and transparency
Yes, it is very disturbing to know that there are about 70 thousand families  still living in make-shift tent and scraps of found metal and wood.  It's sad the a US judge recently dismissed the lawsuit against the UN for its responsibility for bringing cholera to a country that hadn't seen this epidemic and deadly disease in generations.
This Haiti where over 150 new schools have been built; roads have been paved; hospitals and clinics are providing better than ever healthcare and rehabilitation. Tourists are coming. Bike races, marathons, and even polo are competing with the national sport of soccer for attention. Over a million people that lost homes, do have homes. Government buildings are being built.
On this eve, its been reported that a new political accord is about to be signed before the midnight deadline. Perhaps the political impasse will be avoided by this; perhaps not, but the people of Haiti should recognize that the possibilities with Build Back Better are indeed happening. It is up to the people of Haiti to rise above the daily hardships, to let their voices be heard in the solidarity and strength they showed when the earth rumbled and trembled and the walls came down.
I hope the walls stay down and rising in their place is hope that in the coming 5 years we will see a stable government that represents the people will be put into place and those 10's of thousand people will find permanent and safe homes, education and healthcare will reach new standards of excellence, and cholera will once again be history.

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