Sunday, August 15, 2010

No running starts today!

A beautiful morning in Port au Prince and quite warm. I beleive the heat index is higher in the morniings this past 2 weeks since I’ve returned. Afternoons have been dark and stormy, the air heavy with humidity but definately less heat than our mornings. We hear thunder rumbling over the mountains for hours but the threat doesn’t always produce on a daily basis. We have had 3 crashing storms since I’ve been back. The flood of rain water has turned our driveway into what would be considered a 4 legged road (donkey path is how Berny describes it) at home littered with cement rubble and rocks. Our drivers have to ‘get a running’ start when it is the least bit wet. I drove the other day for the first time...albeit, it was only down the driveway. Something very similar to how my kids learned to drive when we went to the farm. Its a baby step but produced a feeling of freedom!

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