Sunday, June 1, 2014

Stained Glass Windows

Sitting on the hard bench, watching the sun shine through the blue, red, yellow, green and white plastic roofing that resembles stained glass for the congregation I reflected on  all that I am thankful was my first visit to attend a church service in a number of years. My staff have all but given up asking me. To be honest the first church service I’ve attended in Haiti many years ago left me feeling less than reverent. 
I did not grow up in a family that was religious. Maybe my folks fulfilled their spiritual needs living in the country through hard work on the family farm. This I don’t know as it was never discussed. Through friends and neighbors, I did attend Bible studies, Sunday school, summer bible school and even summer Bible camp. Whether this was my mom’s attempt at offering me the choice or to get me out of her hair so she could do her work (more likely) really makes no difference at this point. 
The service this morning was mainly in Kreyol, and while I could catch a few words, I didn’t have enough comprehension to follow the sermon. The peacefulness - spiritualness I felt was no different than when I sit gazing at the trees and birds, listening  to the little river rippling below. Its simply a different setting.  
Whatever setting, it is good to have that time to reflect on the wonders of our lives...who knew that little country girl would end up at the other end of life in a far and away different life as lived by my mother. 

I guess I should thank Jill, Kate and Nancy for asking me if I ever thought of taking a mission trip and Matt too for that matter. They took this country bumpkin into a bigger world. It’s been my life adventure. I know many people that have traveled to many parts of the world and have seen and experienced much more than I - even my kids have seen far more places. I’m grateful for their bravery and sense of adventure and hope they will continue to explore outside their boundaries. For me, it seems Haiti suits me.  Maybe I am just looking through stained glass windows this morning, but am content and happy. 
I’m sure its given me much more, taught me much more than I have given in return. 
Its all about learning and living each day isn’t it?  Good to have a weekend such as this one to remind me. 

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