Thursday, March 11, 2010

Heat wave...

We are having a bit of a heat wave here after several cold evenings worthy of blanket. We seemed to have spent a lot of time in the car yesterday - in the morning we visited the Miami tent, CDTI (Sacred Heart) hospital and the new prosthetic lab and returned to do the clinic tent and then go to a meeting in the afternoon. Traffic was bad and we did a lot of side roads to get to places which is a lot like 4 wheeling through the city. Tomorrow the temperature is supposed to be 91 degrees.

Today we stayed home and worked the tent clinic and saw about 40 patients..I referred a couple of kids with fever to hospital and told a lot of people they needed to see a community doctor for treatment telling them we are a rehab facility now. We need to get back to what we do...Also gave out 2 pet carts today. One to a guy from Jeramie who had one but it was well worn. Another incomplete para in a wheelchair saw it and wanted one so we put it together- don't think it was the best fit for him but he wanted one and drove it around, was very appreciative of our efforts and took off.

There is still a lot that needs to happen here in terms of functioning as a rehab clinic. The P&O lab is up and running, fit about 17 limbs by Tuesday. They have some of our HHH staff as well as a group from San Salvador working there. More people (amputees) are coming everyday so that is exciting news.

No great insights to share with you all. Just trying to do my job and get things accomplished. Have a large team coming in on the weekend and another coming mid week. Some will go to Jacmel to start a new rehab outpatient clinic. All good...

I'm hoping to find a room tomorrow that I can call my own- think it will be the pool room at this point although there is no running water or electricity. Can't complain about it though - it is a roof over my head! a lot more than most people have.

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