Daylight Savings Time started this morning- as I was reminded in a 6 am text message. My opportunity to take advantage of the extra hour of lost to the chime on my phone. The darkness that was there yesterday morning suddenly replaced by light making further slumber impossible.
I laid in bed thinking about the passage of time, turning back time.
Passage of time- Jean Claude Duvalier, mostly better known as Baby Doc died recently and as a private funeral was held, the passage of an era known only to those of age before 1986 and by those since in the stories of their families.
Turning back time this morning, would I change anything other than to get that extra hour of sleep? Its a tough question that indicates regrets. Having regrets is non-productive. Certainly, I have traded some precious time with my family and friends, but in knowing they were developing and living their own lives, its not necessarily quantity of time spent but he quality- the time you do have with those you love and miss you give your full attention.
We choose the road we take (or its chosen for us) in life based on many factors. Our experiences in life, our growth through those experiences, our sense of adventure, the people we meet and those that have influenced us in some way through their lifes' experiences.
I remember my dad's aunt once telling me that I should seek to travel and that working for the United Nations was a way to do that. As a 12 year old farm girl, I had no idea what that meant. but I never forgot it. She herself was passionate about travel and did so often, even well into her 80's.
Did that have any influence in the direction I've taken years later? May there is some parallel universe that nudges us to veer off the 'normal' path or take that right turn at the crossroads.
However I got here, it has taken me on another path. I have a new job and am 6 weeks into managing the HHH Klinik. My title is Coordinator of Programs for Education. A change and a challenge and a way to use the 20 plus years of working in rehab and along side of some pretty awesome people in Portland and now 5 years in Port au Prince. I don't have time to turn back more than an hour on this road from 'Port au Port'.