The big news this week has been the prison break with 329 prisoners escaping, the most notorious, an alleged and confessed kidnapper was caught along with about 19 others over the past few days. The Haiti National Police force are said to be working hard searching for the rest while questions swirl about how this could happen in the newest and most secure prison in Haiti. I think it is all about politics. This is supposed to be the year of elections- which were scheduled for October 26 but have been postponed...
Politics in US, especially in a major election year is mostly annoying to me. Campaign sound bites, constant ads, negative speechifying and the amounts of money spent are ridiculous. For some reason, here in Haiti, I find it fascinating. Of course, what I understand is that I will never understand it. There are so many levels - not the least of them is the history. I read a list of the parties that have registered- well over a hundred and those don't include some of the major parties. Campaign speeches are limited to a few months before the actual election is to take place. I've been told that a candidate must have $300,000 to register and campaign. That means a candidate must be rich to fund his own or more likely someone funding his campaign. If however, if you are not in a majority, where do you get the funds? So I will follow, listen and try to understand all of the complexities knowing as I do so, I never will. Everyone has an opinion, everyone has a story- or memory, of past elections or the dictatorship of Papa Doc and his son that pretty much dictates how they feel about voting. I think only one President (Preval) has full-filled his full term of election, twice. Although many did not vote in the last election, most all were quite happy that Martelly was elected as he promised people that change would come, that the country was open for business (his campaign slogan). However, as this year progresses, there are usual signs of discontent- manifestations being just one indicator. If you ask people if they are satisfied with the progress made- and there has been progress over the last 4 years, unless it directly impact their life, they aren't really satisfied. Itswa or tripotai- stories and gossip- are more readily spread and believed. On a personal level they don't believe their vote matters. But this is no different anywhere else, is it?
On a more fun note, last Sunday a group of us went to Jacmel for the day- a walk along the board walk, a little shopping and lunch on the beach, mostly just a relaxing getaway from the big city. Returning to Port au Prince- and home, was not as relaxing as once we reached the outskirts of the city, we got into traffic. Literally, 2 and 1/2 hours of sitting or inching was spent people watching, speculating about the traffic problem- and solving the countries problems. Once we got moving, it took no time at all to get to the guesthouse with the driver finding streets and short cuts to avoid anymore traffic. As patient as he was, he was definitely tired of it.
Tomorrow is a holiday, so we have a 3 day weekend to fill with activities or not. Maybe some time at the pool, maybe a day trip to the beach. It will be a topic of discussion at the dinner table tonight.
Variety of photos from Jacmel