Sunday, March 10, 2013

Progress for Healing Hands for Haiti Int and Haiti

Its been almost 2 months since my last post...busy season with volunteers keeping me busy so yesterday was a time out. Beth and I went to the beach. The cloudy morning and a couple of nights of heavy rain, lots of work made the decision to go a necessity. A time out to refresh our spirits. And it worked. Sun, Sea, a massage, and more sun and then lots of sleep. Time leapt forward and we didn't really notice. WE both slept in!
I'm looking forward to a later sunset this evening and think we should go to Montana and celebrate it.

Driving to the beach I noticed much improvement in the road. Near Cabaret, new housing is being built- they appear to be duplex like- either attached or very close together. Never the less its new housing near a city or town, transportation, work, food, water, etc. Good to see the progress and building.  Its crazy driving on the highway- even with posted speed limits, double yellow lines, etc and as darkness begins to creep in with a setting sun indicating headlights are a good thing to use, about half the time, they aren't turned on.  I much prefer city traffic.  Its at least more predictable, slow enough to anticipate what the other driver will do at any given circumstance. Most of the time.  I am thankful for the drivers we have.
Random photo selection:

Justin working with child

Patient working out


Beth at beach

Visit from ICRC

roof trusses

Dade at beach

we don't want to leave...

Dade enjoying the day

salut to a time out

Birthday love

roof trusses in place

This past couple of weeks we had volunteers from Utah that provided education, Justin from Seattle working in the clinic, a video crew filming footage for a new HHH video, visits from donors- ICRC and DRI. This week we will meet representatives for USAID...I'm very much looking forward to seeing my friend Al again.  

Hopefully this week we will break ground or more accurately place stakes for the new guest house to be built next to the clinic.  Work continues on the container P&O learning center, with completion date a couple of weeks away.