I went to bed thinking by this time tomorrow night I will be home, walking down the hall of Portland Int. airport scanning the faces to find the familiar...I expect to see my sons and can hear their voices greeting me...Hey mama welcome home.... whats up mothe... hey mom...and Laddie saying how was your flight? Do you still want to stop at Taco Bell. It is what it is every trip home from Haiti! Welcome home.
Up at 6 am, make sure I have everything which is actually nothing but my suitcases and trunk- basically empty but hopefully will be packed full upon return.
I am going home for Thanksgiving holiday...about 8 days. I’m looking forward to the break, of spending time with the family and friends. Touch base. Be thankful.
On the two hour flight to Ft. Lauderdale the first leg of my journey home, the sky is beautiful blue, under the plane someone shook out a bag of cotton ball clouds that dot and shadow the sea underneith. The changing blue, green, aqua, turquoise jewel tones of the water give me peace. Maybe I was a mermaid in a former life.
As I glanced up at the little TV’s suspended from the overhead consol and saw the images flashing, wondering what they represent- images of presidents Kennedy and Obama, olympics, soldiers, injured (amputees), athletes, and more- my mind went to more simple thoughts like hot water, hot tea with milk and sugar, bloody mary’s, omelets. Funny little distracting thoughts that mean nothing in the big picture book. I will dwell on the big picture later when people ask me, is it getting better in Haiti? I want so badly to respond positively but I can only say that I see baby steps. The flight attendant asked me if I was scared. For some reason, that surprised me. I said no, I'm not. Its true, I'm not scared. I'm not scared for myself. I am scared to think we won't see the changes that the country needs to see, needs to have, needs to know is coming soon.
Sitting in the airport with a long layover forces on to do several things...continue to write (ramble or reflect? ) the blog, and since I can't seem to find an appropriate place to nap, guess I'll write.
This week is the opportunity for Hait to make a big step. On sunday- 1 week from tomorrow is the presidential elections. The opportunity for Haitians to make their voices heard. Here is the opportunity for the top candidate make a statement and bring change to this country. I can’t honestly say that I am hopeful that this will happen. I’ve read news stories, books based on past history, talked with people and asked will you vote? its hard to find hope in their eyes, in their voices, in their hearts. Its hard to drive down the street and imagine it to be any different next year. I’ve encouraged them to vote - this is the way to voice the will of the people. This is a way to make a change. People blame the government- Al responds, who is the government? Aren’t they your uncle or cousin, your neighbor? I’ve heard people say they want Aristide back; they want Baby Doc-Jean-Claude Duvalier back. I suspect these are the people that are too young to understand what Duvalier did to this country. I suspect they don’t even understand that Aristide was becoming more like Jean Claude and his wife. Little chance of either returning, the race is looking more like Madame Manigat and Mr. Celestin will be in a run off election in January. Unless a candidate wins by 50% or greater of votes, they will have run off elections Jan 16. Term of office- inaugural day I believe is February 7th.
Mrs. Manigat, former first lady, and I believe former senator in her own previous political career is 70 + years old. Mr. Jude Celestin, a 40 something is head of a governement department building/ repairing roads. I believe the possible first woman president of Haiti is currently leading the polls. There is a history of turmoil around elections but I suspect people will take a watchful eye to see how a new president deal with the aid money, the lack of permanent housing and all else in need of fixing in Haiti. A daunting job for 10 heads of state...let alone for 1 new one that will spend months placing the people of his / her choice into government positions. Lets hope the cholera epeidemic will not scare people into staying home. Lets hope apathy doesn’t claim the day. Let’s Hope. Let’s give them hope.